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      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Tati Khumairoh

      Tati Khumairoh

      Published at Oct 17, 2022 08:21 AM

      Whether you are an SEO freelancer or an SEO agency, handling an SEO project is not as easy as it seems. Even more, if you have multi-team collaboration and multi-domain to monitor. The number of tasks that need to be carried out by certain parties demands you to have a tool that let you control all of them in a single dashboard.

      The Kanban module from Sequence is a workflow management tool where you can deliver tasks and review their progress to the whole team you have. In an SEO project, it is pretty much needed. It offers ease of team management, time efficiency, and productivity. 

      Sequence Kanban is all you need in carrying out complex SEO projects without needing to subscribe to multiple tools. See how Kanban board by Sequence can improve your SEO multi-team collaboration.

      How Does The Sequence Kanban Board Works?

      First of all, as the introduction, we will show you how the Kanban board works for your SEO projects. Sequence Kanban boards have columns, cards, item delivery information, and other advanced technology that makes everyone's task more visible and easy to track. Here are the Kanban fundamental elements you need to understand.


      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 1: The illustration of columns in Sequence Stats Kanban

      Column is where a specific activity took place in the workflow. The workflow is commonly as simple as "To-do", "On Progress", and "Closed". You can have as many columns as you need to define the workflow of your SEO projects.

      You can edit this feature based on your need at any time. The customizable approach makes the Sequence Kanban module the perfect management tool for your SEO agency with a huge number of teams. 


      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 2: The illustration of Card or Task item in the Sequence Kanban module.

      Card is the visualization of each item or task that is carried out by a certain team or member. Card lies in the columns that you have and you can move the cards to other columns once the task is progressing. This is an essential element in Kanban that represents a single task through various stages of completion. 

      Inside every card, there is a description of the task that you can deliver to the assignees. For example, you can describe what you want them to do, the due date, and attach the additional files to support the SEO task.

      Operating Sequence Kanban module is easy, even for non-tech people. It allows the user to customize, edit, and see the progress at any time. As an SEO freelancer, your clients might need to see your performance through an easy-to-operate Kanban. Task visualization is the next stage of SEO project management. It solves the problem of task delivery obsolescence.

      Achieve SEO Target Based on Timeline with Sequence Stats Kanban

      Kanban can be beneficial for all types of projects, even for SEO freelancers. But, you may wonder how it benefits your projects with various teams and domains to maintain. Check out the explanation below.

      Stick to The SEO Project Timeline

      Sequence Kanban module helps your SEO agency to stick with the project timeline. By setting up the due date for the team member, you can expect the task to be completed during the set time. Executing SEO projects based on the timeline is important as a measurement of their success.

      Kanban board by Sequence can be your documentation tool that is useful for tracking the task of each team member in managing multi-domain SEO projects.

      Improve Visibility

      You have a big team that comes from many divisions to finish your SEO project effectively. You have to make sure that every member knows what other members are doing, it also applies to SEO freelancers. That is why you need a Kanban board by Sequence to make all tasks visible, even small tasks. 

      The manual task delivery you voiced will be soon forgotten. But, if you have recorded it to the Kanban, it will remind the others until it's complete. No one will miss the updates on a certain task. So, by using Kanban on your SEO project, you will improve the visibility of your work.

      Boost Team Productivity

      The understandable workflow on your SEO project gives an easy task execution for the member. They will be aware of their role, the task assigned to them, and the contribution they should make. 

      The Kanban board will inspire them to finish the work even faster because they have an essential role in the assigned task. Your SEO project needs a fast-progressing execution, thus you should able to facilitate your team with the right tool.

      Ease of Communication

      Since your SEO project is carried out by a muti-team, they need to communicate with ease. Communication often happens online when you have a remote working team which separated miles away.  The Kanban module from Sequence allows all members of the team who have access to the dashboard to see the project,  give comments, tag teammates, and receive notifications of any changes.

      Easy Project Measurement

      The success of an SEO project needs to be measured over time. From the Kanban, you can see the performance of each member in carrying out the task. Whether the task is well-executed or still needs some actions. The success of the project is defined by the amount of items in the done column.

      No Need Separated Tools, Kanban Boards Is Available for Free in Sequence Stats

      Now you know the importance of using Kanban for your SEO project. Imagine that you have an SEO tool that has Kanban features in it. It would be your all-in-one SEO tool. Fortunately, Sequence Stats make it happen for you. Besides the capability of tracking keywords, this tool has Kanban features to enhance your SEO project.

      Here are some activities you can perform using Sequence Stats Kanban.

      Create Boards

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 3: Creating a new board in Sequence Stats Kanban. The user can have many boards as they need to define their project stages of completion.

      Sequence allows the users to have up to 50 boards in a team. The boards in Sequence Stats are customizable. The users can set the board position, change the board name, move a task to another board, and remove the task. 

      Create Cards

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 4: Create a new card in Sequence Kanban module. The user is required to fulfill the task form which contains the task title, assignee, category, due date, description, and the sub-task if any.

       There are two types of cards in Sequence Kanban, note-only and progress tasks. Note-only tasks allow you to write down a description or note of the project you are working on. Progress tasks contain more information than note-only ones. You can choose which card type suits the task.

      Assign SEO Concern as a Task from Rank Module

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 5: Assigning SEO Concern as a task from Rank Module. The task created from SEO Concern will have a different task description such as the information of the SEO concern, the related keywords, the issue date, the domain, and others.

      Sequence is able to report crucial SEO concerns regarding URL security, rank drop, and keyword cannibalization. If you find one of those, you can directly create a task through SEO Concern features for your team. The task will be recorded on the Sequence Kanban board so that you can monitor the fixing progress of that SEO concern.

      Receive Kanban Notification

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 6: The illustration of notification you receive when someone assigns you a task. There are various categories of notifications you can receive from Sequence Stats.

      Sequence does not want you to miss any updates on the Kanban, so it provides notification features that allow you to check any updates on the Sequence system including Kanban. It is important for you to keep updated with the progress of your team. 

      Case Studies

      We will present case studies to make you better understand the efficiency of the Kanban board system in Sequence Stats. The resources below are taken from Sequence Stats data regarding the Kanban and SEO Concerns.

      Case 1

      The A brand has a big number of URLs. They target enterprises and SMEs to collaborate with their SEO services. In the implementations, they also enable multi-regional websites to capture prospective customers based on their geolocation. 

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 7: The indexed URL for targeted keywords is not in the right page.

      Unfortunately, the indexed URL for the targeted keywords is not the right page. From here, the team can create a card from Kanban to solve the problem. Whether they will conduct an SEO audit, fix the link type, or else. 

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 8: The keywords detail in the Sequence stats that shows the indexed URL for one keyword.

      There are actions that can be taken to fix the issue and that should be the top priority. Combining the ability of a keyword ranking tracker and Kanban is the advanced use of SEO tools. You can improve your team collaboration and fix your site issue with the help of the Kanban feature in Sequence Stats. 

      Case 2

      In this domain, Sequence Stats detected keyword cannibalization occurring in the tracked keyword. The report is in the SEO Concern feature. To fix the issue, SEO team collaboration is much needed. From this page, the users can directly assign a task regarding the SEO concern to the people in charge. 

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 9: Keyword cannibalization detected on SEO Concern. From this alert, the user can immediately create a new task to solve the issue together with their team. Sequence Stats Kanban simplified your SEO project with ease of use.

      Keyword cannibalization is quite harmful to their website. The search engine cannot decide which page should rank higher so it can falsely rank the other URL. You do not want to have a high rank on the low-priority page right? 

      The user only needs Sequence Stats to detect SEO issues and assign tasks to the Kanban dashboard at the same time.

      Wrapping Up

      Improving SEO Multi Team Collaboration with Kanban Board

      Figure 10: The illustration of Kanban Board by Sequence Stats that displays numbers of tasks in one account. You only need one account to build your SEO team because Sequence enables Its users to have multiple domains and teams.

      Its users to have multiple domains and teams.

      Handling various SEO projects with a large team can be hard to do if you do not have a support tool that accommodates your team's collaboration. While Kanban is important-to-have, Sequence Stats offers you the ease of a keyword ranking tracker and Kanban module to improve multi-team SEO project collaboration.

      If you are an SEO freelancer, you might utilize the Sequence Kanban module to connect you and your clients in tracking your SEO job. While if you are an SEO agency, this module can be the next level of project management for your teams in achieving SEO project goals across domains. 

      The old ways of delivering tasks are abandoned now, it is less efficient and hard to visualize. With Sequence Stats, you don't need to subscribe to many different tools for your SEO activities. You can focus on team productivity and efficient work with one SEO tool.